mercredi 8 juin 2011


1-Think only Tree, Wipe your Mind.

2-If come from inside You, Always Right One.

3-To Make Honey, Bee Needs Young Flower not old Prune.

4-Fighting always last answer to Problem.

5-KARATE for defense only.

6- No such thing as bad Student, only bad Teacher.

7- KARATE Here (Head) KARATE Here (Heart) Never Here (Belly).

8-Not Everything is as it seems.

9-Make Good Fight, People Respect.

10-If KARATE do, YES. If KAFATE Don't, NO.

11-Wax On, Wax Off.

12-Why Train? So I Won't Have to Fight.

13-Driver's Licence Never Replaces Eye, Ear and Brain.

14-Lesson not just for Karate only but for Whole Life.

15-Go Find the Balance: BANZAI!

16-Have Balance: People, Self, Love.

17- First Learn Stand, then Learn Fly. Nature Rule.

18-When You Feel life is out of Focus, always return to Basics of Life: Breathing. No Breathe, No Life.

19-This Say You Brave (Heart). This Say You Lucky (Trophee, Medal).

20- Never put Passion before principle. Even If Win, You Lose.

21-Rule#1-Karate for Defense Only
Rule#2-Learn Rule #1

22-No Matter who is Stronger, matter who is Smarter.

23-Lie becomes truth only if person want to believe it.

24-Bonzai lives inside Tree just like Karate lives inside You.

25-Just like Bonzai, choose one Way to Grow because Root is Strong, You choose your own Way to do Karate. Same Reason.

26-Like All Bonzai found in Tree, All Karate Found in this Bonzai.

27-If Karate used to defend Honor, defend Life, Karate Mean Something. If Karate used to defend plastic, metal trophee, Karate No Mean Nothing.

28-Just like Bonzai lives inside Tree, Answer lives inside You.

29-Sometimes better be bothered on a Full Stomach than an Empty one.

30-Everything Can Heal, it Just takes time, patience.

31-Sometime when take trip better know where trip end itherwise better just stay home.
32-Inside have Strong Root. No need nothing except what inside you Grow.

33-This Bonzai have strong root same as you. This tree choose how to grow so must you choose how you grow.

34-It's Ok to lose to opponent, must not lose from fear. Stay Focused. Your Best Karate still inside you. Now Time to Let Out!
35-Anybody who lose parent have much grief. Grief trapped in the heart become big anger. Suggest water flower.

36-Miyagi raised in small village on Okinawa. At that time was a very bad tempered bull live in a pasture near village. Bull very bad. He chase children, Women going shopping, farmer, Everybody. Then one day, Big festival Everybody Happy. That day bad bull become good soup.

37-Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land.

38-Death not fair to anyone but still We must live our lives.

39-Karate here (Heart), true value of Karate.

40-Answer only important when ask the right question.

41-Sun is Warm, Grass is Green.

42-Everything Work out.

43-Babysitting sometimes good Exercise for Karate Student.

44-Anything possible if not Afraid.

45-Sometime Animal have more sense than human.

46-Fighting Not Good. Somebody always get hurt.

47-Not want break anything. Was most unfortunate their butts attached to small brain.

48-Anything try first time impossible but must try, Do again.

49-You know whento fight when you have full respect for self, respect for others.

50-Monks here believe negative action cause suffering and pain. So therefore, within monastery walls nothing is ever killed.

51-Is stupid the neighborhood gangs kill for no reason. Is stupid when countries fight wars. Not stupid to respect all living things.

52-Use Ear, Nose, Skin, Feet. Learn use All senses.

53-Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance.

54-Praying mantis always drop to one knee before strike.

55-You Know You Good. That the important thing.

56-If Master small thing, Anything become possible.

57-Maybe if You believe, Angel believe too. Now Release! Fly Away Angel!

58-Sometime when live in cage too long, whole world seem very Big Place.

59-Angel Heal slef but Your Faith Give her Courage to Fly.

60-All Things Possible.

61-True Strenght comes from inside.

62-Fighting Not Good but if must Fight, WIN!