mardi 22 novembre 2011

A NEW START IN CHIBA! Followed by A First Trip to MOUNT FUJI!

On Mount Fuji after 30 minutes walking from the Station. :)

A Beautiful View of Clouds surrounding Mount Fuji after only 30 minutes Walking. :)

Me with Mount Fuji Far in the Background! :)

Me in front of my New Company's Logo Inside the Learning Studio

Chiba Station

Tintin et Milou a Chiba! Tintin and Snowy in Chiba! CHIBA STATION

View of Chiba from my Office Building

Me stepping on a Sewer Cap of the City of CHIBA. :)

dimanche 31 juillet 2011

First Year in Japan Pictures!

Famous Japanese Robot GREAT MAZINGER in Akihabara, the Mecca for Japanese Animes! :)

One of the Japanese Teachers I worked with Teaching Kids during my First Year in Japan.


Visit of my Aunt Suzanne from Canada. We went to YAMADERA during the Fall Together.

Me in YAMADERA during the Fall.

Here I dressed a s a Samurai during Halloween. KARIM YOJIMBO! :)

Many Buddhas are Found in Japan since Buddhism is the second most widely practiced Religion in Japan.

Beautiful Sakura Tree of Japan :)

Going Up the Temple of YAMADERA in the YAMAGATA PREFECTURE.

mercredi 8 juin 2011


1-Think only Tree, Wipe your Mind.

2-If come from inside You, Always Right One.

3-To Make Honey, Bee Needs Young Flower not old Prune.

4-Fighting always last answer to Problem.

5-KARATE for defense only.

6- No such thing as bad Student, only bad Teacher.

7- KARATE Here (Head) KARATE Here (Heart) Never Here (Belly).

8-Not Everything is as it seems.

9-Make Good Fight, People Respect.

10-If KARATE do, YES. If KAFATE Don't, NO.

11-Wax On, Wax Off.

12-Why Train? So I Won't Have to Fight.

13-Driver's Licence Never Replaces Eye, Ear and Brain.

14-Lesson not just for Karate only but for Whole Life.

15-Go Find the Balance: BANZAI!

16-Have Balance: People, Self, Love.

17- First Learn Stand, then Learn Fly. Nature Rule.

18-When You Feel life is out of Focus, always return to Basics of Life: Breathing. No Breathe, No Life.

19-This Say You Brave (Heart). This Say You Lucky (Trophee, Medal).

20- Never put Passion before principle. Even If Win, You Lose.

21-Rule#1-Karate for Defense Only
Rule#2-Learn Rule #1

22-No Matter who is Stronger, matter who is Smarter.

23-Lie becomes truth only if person want to believe it.

24-Bonzai lives inside Tree just like Karate lives inside You.

25-Just like Bonzai, choose one Way to Grow because Root is Strong, You choose your own Way to do Karate. Same Reason.

26-Like All Bonzai found in Tree, All Karate Found in this Bonzai.

27-If Karate used to defend Honor, defend Life, Karate Mean Something. If Karate used to defend plastic, metal trophee, Karate No Mean Nothing.

28-Just like Bonzai lives inside Tree, Answer lives inside You.

29-Sometimes better be bothered on a Full Stomach than an Empty one.

30-Everything Can Heal, it Just takes time, patience.

31-Sometime when take trip better know where trip end itherwise better just stay home.
32-Inside have Strong Root. No need nothing except what inside you Grow.

33-This Bonzai have strong root same as you. This tree choose how to grow so must you choose how you grow.

34-It's Ok to lose to opponent, must not lose from fear. Stay Focused. Your Best Karate still inside you. Now Time to Let Out!
35-Anybody who lose parent have much grief. Grief trapped in the heart become big anger. Suggest water flower.

36-Miyagi raised in small village on Okinawa. At that time was a very bad tempered bull live in a pasture near village. Bull very bad. He chase children, Women going shopping, farmer, Everybody. Then one day, Big festival Everybody Happy. That day bad bull become good soup.

37-Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land.

38-Death not fair to anyone but still We must live our lives.

39-Karate here (Heart), true value of Karate.

40-Answer only important when ask the right question.

41-Sun is Warm, Grass is Green.

42-Everything Work out.

43-Babysitting sometimes good Exercise for Karate Student.

44-Anything possible if not Afraid.

45-Sometime Animal have more sense than human.

46-Fighting Not Good. Somebody always get hurt.

47-Not want break anything. Was most unfortunate their butts attached to small brain.

48-Anything try first time impossible but must try, Do again.

49-You know whento fight when you have full respect for self, respect for others.

50-Monks here believe negative action cause suffering and pain. So therefore, within monastery walls nothing is ever killed.

51-Is stupid the neighborhood gangs kill for no reason. Is stupid when countries fight wars. Not stupid to respect all living things.

52-Use Ear, Nose, Skin, Feet. Learn use All senses.

53-Never trust spiritual leader who cannot dance.

54-Praying mantis always drop to one knee before strike.

55-You Know You Good. That the important thing.

56-If Master small thing, Anything become possible.

57-Maybe if You believe, Angel believe too. Now Release! Fly Away Angel!

58-Sometime when live in cage too long, whole world seem very Big Place.

59-Angel Heal slef but Your Faith Give her Courage to Fly.

60-All Things Possible.

61-True Strenght comes from inside.

62-Fighting Not Good but if must Fight, WIN!