dimanche 23 mai 2010

Living in Japan

Hello to all of my Friends! Bonjour a Tous Mes amis! Hola a Todos mis Amigos! Konnichiwa minna tomdachi (こんにちわ みんな ともだち!

(For the sake of keeping Communications Simple, my Blog will be written in English.
Dans le but de rendre mes communications simples, mon Blogue sera ecrit en Anglais.
Para simplificar las communicaciones, mi Blog era erscito en Ingles.
Nihon Blog wa eigo no kakimasu. 日本 ブログ は えいご の かきます。)


Well after 4 Months living in Japan these are my First Impressions:
Japan is a BEAUTIFUL Country to Discover and this is what I am starting to do. So Far I have done most of my Sightseeing in My Living Area which is in the Prefecture of Yamagata or Yamagata-Ken located in the Northern Part of North Honshu, One of the Main Islands of Japan. I work in the Yamagata-Sendai Prefecture which means that I can go as far as the Largest City in the Area Sendai which with its over 1 Million Inhabitant makes it a Popular Spot to get a Big City Atmosphere. For Most of my transports by Train when I go Teach, It usually takes me about 30 Minutes to get to my Destination and so a typical Teaching Day makes me Travel an average of 1 Hour Train Ride. The Trains in Japan are very efficient, Fast and Reliable. It is in my view, the Best Way to Travel in Japan. I Really enjoy riding the Trains. They are very comfortable and during the Cold Months, the seats are heated so that passengers are never cold. Regarding the Food, Japan has plenty of Specialty meals that are waiting to be discovered. Eating out in Japan is Fairly cheap which makes it more possible to try out the many delicious meals from this very unique Asian Cuisine.
A Few Words on my Actual Job which is Teaching to Kids aged between 0-17, yes that's Right this wide age Range. I should also include Full-Grown Adults since I am also teaching them so they can teach their kids. The Work is SUPER FUN and EXCITING! There is not a single day that is the same and that is what makes the work Rewarding and varied. The Kids I have to say are ALL GREAT! They are well-behaved, Disciplined and possess a Genuine Interest in Learning the Language of Shakespeare which makes the work for me Much more easy to do!:) The People that Work for Peppy Kids Club are also very nice and I was Lucky enough to meet some Great people since my Early Arrival in Japan, in Nagoya, Takasaki and the Yamagata, Sendai Prefectures. Social Networking is something that is Important for any Foreigner who is just arriving in a New Country. I have started doing some and of course, I will know even more people as I continue enjoying my New Life in Japan!